Alex Odeh’s murder
Two Supreme Court Victories for Immigrants
Two Supreme Court Victories for Immigrants The Supreme Court last week issued two important immigration-related decisions that will have a huge impact on thousands of people who are detained and who plead guilty to crimes before the passage of the 1996 immigration laws. The…
Businessman in U.S. 39 years deported with little notice, family says
Amer Othman Adi deported after living 40 years in US
US’ ICE accused of cruelty in Amer Othman Adi case
Ohio man deported to Jordan after 39 years in U.S.: ‘There was no justification at all’
Constitutional Doubt
Does the Constitution apply to immigrants? On February 24, 1999, the United States Supreme Court seemed to say that it did not. Whether wholly, or only in certain circumstances remains to be seen. In its most immediate impact, Reno v. American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee…
In America, Naturalized Citizens No Longer Have an Assumption of Permanence
The New Yorker In America, Naturalized Citizens No Longer Have an Assumption of Permanence By Masha Gessen June 18, 2018 The conceit of naturalization is that it makes an immigrant not only equal to natural-born citizens but indistinguishable from them. Photograph by David Paul…