The Committee for Justice to stop the McCarran Walter Act deportation of Seven Palestinian and a Kenyan woman was established in 1987. The Committee’s objectives was to take on the political and legal defense of what became known as the Los Angeles Eight, the Palestinian Deportation Case. The case lasted 20 years. It was won in 2007. The case is considered the longest immigration case in US history and has climbed in the US courts system all the way to the Supreme Court. It was considered the Civil Rights Case of its time and is being taught in Law schools for its effect and ramification on US immigration and Security laws. The case started under President Reagan’s presidency and concluded under president Obama’s.
Twenty years of struggle against the US government’s attempt to deport people for their political views; views the government didn’t like, is a wealth of experience and knowledge in this arena. Nothing shows how important this knowledge and experience to defend and protect our constitutional rights of free speech, the freedom to think, and have opinions about our country’s political discourse voiced than today’s political climate.
This Website is established to offer this knowledge, information, and experience of the Committee for Justice to the public hoping that it might grow into a space that can publicize and disseminate information, initiate campaigns, and defend similar cases. Together we stand, divided we fall.
